It's been crazy here at the cabin. Lately I have had to take my business owner hat off and put my Mom hat on because it was school conference week and the finish up of Fall Sports and beginning of Winter Sports. Lots to do… so blogging and getting projects done has been difficult. But… it's Finish It UP Friday and I do have something to share.
Since I have been running more this week and out of the studio… and since Winter Is Coming… I put together a bag of knitting and three simple projects for myself. Last night I took the whole bag to a school concert and finished up a project before the concert was over. Yay me. (The sewing machine might have been a bit loud in the theater… but the knitting was fine.
I decided to make myself a new scarf, ear warmer and some mitts for winter in my new “signature color”. I found the most delightful chunky bamboo yarn in “Robin's Egg.” Because, as I have said before, I am a quilter and not a knitter, I chose a very simple scarf in a simple garter stitch. Guaranteed not to mess up or have to think about and definitely easy to complete. That is the key… the COMPLETION. Here is the scarf and the headband/ear warmer (which I began last night after I finished the scarf and also finished last night… woot woot.)
I have already begun the third part of the project, the mitts, which are seen here in their most basic state. Wish me luck. This one is the challenging one.
But just in case you thought I have hung up my quilting shoes for a pair of knitted booties (bah) I thought I would show you that the leaf quilt is on the frame and I have already begun free motion quilting it.
Hoping to have that done before Thanksgiving… although it is more likely that I will only be able to work on it the weekend after Thanksgiving because I am hosting family this year. Can't you tell by the adorable leaf placemats that I have placed out for the occasion.
Every time I look at them I am hungry for turkey. Speaking of turkey… it's menu deadline day for Thanksgiving. I better get started. I have to get my turkey today… cause tomorrow I am teaching an all day All Scrapped Out! workshop with LizBQuilting. Hopefully I will have lots of great pics to show you of the class tomorrow. But for now… I can't wait to see what everyone else has completed.
Happy Friday!