We are busy here in the studio. Marathon sewing session to finish up my latest book. The staff was super busy and I have a few Sneak Peak pictures. No full quilts at this time because we are becoming quite popular to be imitated and in the publishing world that really isn't the sincerest form of flattery. Quilts will be able to be viewed Spring Market in Pittsburgh and of course right here in the month of May we will have lots of posts leading up to and during Market.
Here is a little Sneak Peak… scrappy and colorful.
You might think you know what the design is in the quilt top below… but I assure you… you don't. It's one of my favs and I cannot wait to show you the whole quilt. Just need to get that Border on.
I have been selling the templates for the new book for about two months and here is a photo of me actually using it. I know many of you are super excited about this nice size tumbler. It's 6 1/2 inches and perfect for scrap quilting. By the time the show opens… we will have the new Charm Tumbler (CWQ-TrapCh) and the 3 1/2-inch Tumbler (CWQ-Trap3) available online at the Square Marketplace.

Here are some of the tumbler blocks we have made with the template. It's a little different color scheme than anything else we have sampled here at the Cabin. This one was made from scraps from a couple of different Moda lines courtesy of our lovely Moda rep.
A little different color scheme from my studio so I am anxious to hear what everyone thinks at the show. This book is yet again a pretty eclectic look so I can appeal to the masses of you and your varying baskets of scraps.
Work on this book has been somewhat challenging because I am working with a hand and a half. Which is a little better than working with one hand which I did for two days (which means I didn't work at all productively).
I have been out of the studio quite a bit visiting doctors, going to physical therapy for a sore hip and working out with a trainer/nutritionist. Hand was a slight injury from working out (which I know some will argue is more hazardous to your health than being unhealthy). There was some argument that this was a stress fracture but it appears I have just aggravated a tendon between my fingers. So I am working down a finger which has really only slowed down my typing and ring wearing.
I have also been on a strict dietary regime for the last month… no dairy, soy, gluten, starches, fruits (other than berries) and grains. I do eat meats and vegetables and will probably remain gluten free when grains are reintroduced. This is simply an effort on my part to get a little healthier and solve some medical issues naturally. It was a bit of a burden for the first couple of weeks but with the Farmer's Market opening in April… things are a little easier and there really isn't much that I miss but being at Spring Market may prove a little challenging. I will let you know how it goes.
Thanks for everyone (including the Guilds I have been visiting) for being so amazing about accommodating those restrictions. My sons… well… they have done fine… begrudgingly. You should see their little faces when I made pasta the other night… and on Tuesday… I surprised them with … wait for it…
PIZZA! You would have thought it was Christmas. They really haven't been following my dietary restrictions at all… except for dinner where I have been forcing them to eat more vegetables. I know… I am cruel… but someday they will thank me.
What new projects have you been working on lately?
~Happy Quilting