Here at the Cabin we are pleased to offer custom template services for shops and other designers. Whether you need a prototype of a design or small scale production run for your business we are able to create your template on site.
Having a commercial Kern Laser on site makes the production of new templates a seamless enterprise. We are able to go from design, to prototype to production in a matter of days or weeks.
We are also able to provide customization opportunities for shops interested in using our templates for shop and event promotion. In a matter of days we are able to add your print ready artwork to our designs and create a unique and interesting promotional item for your customers. Imagine having your company name on a template every time your customer chooses to use it.
Interested in finding out how to use our services to benefit your shop or organization… send us a note via our contacts page.
Interested in Custom Templates sets for the Millefiori Quilt projects? We already have every paper piece set for all the quilts ready and available for sale on our sister Etsy Shop – Cabin Craftworks. Click over to the Etsy Shop to purchase.