I have been in the market to improve my stash and bring in a few more modern prints for some sample quilts for the new books.  I've been looking at (and drooling over) some of the new fabrics being showcased on other blogs.  I thought I would try my hand at using some Riley Blake fabrics.  I have seen the company and the fabrics at market briefly but was unable to chat because I was in my own booth.

So I did an internet search for Riley Blake to find their site and get their wholesale info.  I wasn't paying a lot of attention as I was surfing while drinking my coffee and watching the news in the morning (and hadn't quite woken up yet).  When I glanced down I noticed the search yielded a bio on Blake Riley (not what I thought I typed).  In my morning “first cup of coffee” stupor I clicked on the bio thinking that was potentially  the owner of the company…

Imagine my surprise when I realized Blake Riley was actually a porn star.  That's not exactly what I had in mind that early in the morning.  I eventually did find Riley Blake and bookmarked for next time… just in case.

The moral of this story for me: Don't surf the net until the second cup of coffee.

I have been working on a couple of creature comforts and smaller projects in the studio today and I took some pics so I will post tomorrow… but not before my second cup of coffee.

~Happy Quilting

Penni @ CWQ